1. EXACERBATE (VERB): (बदतर करना): aggravate
Synonyms: worsen, inflame
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:
2. TENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (तुच्छ): slight
Synonyms: insubstantial, flimsy
Antonyms: convincing
Example Sentence:
The tenuous link between interest rates and investment.
3. LACKLUSTRE (ADJECTIVE): (निरुत्साही): uninspired
Synonyms: uninspiring, unimaginative
Antonyms: inspired
Example Sentence:
No excuses were made for the team's lacklustre performance.
4. CONTENTION (NOUN): (तकरार): disagreement
Synonyms: dispute disputation
Antonyms: agreement
Example Sentence:
The captured territory was the main area of contention between the two countries.
5. PLETHORA (NOUN): (बहुतायत): excess
Synonyms: abundance, overabundance
Antonyms: dearth
Example Sentence:
She always has a plethora of bad jokes.
6. RETICENCE (NOUN): (अल्पभाषिता): reserve
Synonyms: introversion, restraint
Antonyms: expansiveness
Example Sentence:
She paused, as if hesitating to confide, until her anger overcame her reticence.
7. SURMISE (VERB): (अंदाज़ा लगाना): guess
Synonyms: conjecture, suspect
Antonyms: know
Example Sentence:
I surmised that something must be wrong.
8. FALLACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (ग़लत): erroneous
Synonyms: false, untrue
Antonyms: true
Example Sentence:
His argument is based on fallacious reasoning.
9. VEIL (VERB): (ढंक देना): covert
Synonyms: surreptitious, hidden
Antonyms: overt
Example Sentence:
Cold mists veiled the mountain peaks.
10. TRASH (NOUN): (बकवास): nonsense
Synonyms: drivel, pap
Antonyms: logic
Example Sentence:
If they read at all, they read trash.